JMC Staff
Nov 2, 2023
2024 Engage Federal Health Honorees: Recognizing Leaders Who Drive Collaboration and Innovation
We proudly congratulate Jon Lipsky, CEO of J Michael Consulting, on his recognition as a 2024 Engage Federal Health Honoree. This esteemed accolade celebrates leaders driving change and innovation in Federal Health.
Jon Lipsky's unwavering commitment to industry betterment and his leadership have earned him this honor. Selected for embodying key Engage FedGov Leader traits, including open communication, mission focus, good partnership, community engagement, inclusivity, and innovation, Jon sets a benchmark for Federal Health leaders.
As CEO of JMC, Jon fosters a culture of trust, transparency, and partnership in government and industry collaborations. He actively engages stakeholders, prioritizes end-users' needs, and champions authenticity and reliability in leadership.
Jon's dedication to inclusivity and innovation illuminates a path toward a brighter future for government-industry partnerships. His tireless commitment enriches the Federal Health sector.
Congratulations to Jon Lipsky for this well-deserved honor. We anticipate his continued positive impact in the Federal Health sector, inspiring collaboration, communication, and trust.
Find more info on Engage Federal Health Leaders here: https://bit.ly/3FHE4UB