JMC Offers Educators Support with STEM Box Donation
JMC loves giving back to the community and this particular project will keep giving back for years to come. The project was inspired and spearheaded by team member Matt Marshall. From start to finish, the project was truly a group effort executed throughout the JMC staff.
Conducting thought provoking hands-on activities is a fun way to stimulate and engage students in learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in school. However, developing student-led activities that effectively align with curriculum standards requires a lot of time and effort, and teachers already work hard to stretch their time and supplies on a limited budget! To help bridge this gap, J Michael Consulting developed 4 different STEM Boxes as a donation to Sylvan Hills Middle School in Atlanta, GA.
Each STEM Box:
1. Includes materials and instructions for teachers and students to perform thought provoking experiments.
2. Aligns with a different 7th or 8th grade Science Georgia Standard of Excellence.
3. Contains reusable materials that will allow teachers to conduct the activities for years to come.
4. Includes hard and digital copies of teacher instructions and student worksheets allowing teachers to modify activities as they see fit.
The four boxes delivered included; Climate Change & Energy, Virus Size, Make a Generator, and Balloon Racers. The teachers were provided a digital copy of the instructions and student worksheets so they continue to use the materials for future students.